Emily Rose Michaud

About the Artist

Emily Rose Michaud is a visual artist and educator who works at the crossroads of education, art and ecology and is an advocate for making cultural programming more present in schools. She specializes in art + nature projects and murals. Her body of work encompasses land-based art, installation, drawing, cyanotype, painting and ceramic. She has exhibited nationally in art galleries, in less formal spaces outdoors. She’s offered workshops since 2004 and has worked with youngsters, teens, adults and seniors in all media, for leisure, as emotional outlet, education, and portfolio development. Learn more at https://emilyrosemichaud.com/

See recent media links here: https://linktr.ee/emilyrose.michaud

Learning comes from curiosity and deepening into relationship with the places we find ourselves in and the folks we are surrounded by.

— Emily Rose Michaud

Artist's Programs

Curriculum Links

Explore ecologically and socially engaged art; develop a sense of influence on ecological issues, artistic skills, and creative confidence; appropriate for earth science, biology, geography, and history; work with colour, texture, drawing, perception, and measurement; create connections between art, creativity, and the world around us.

Artistic Disciplines

Visual Arts


Francophone, Women+


All ages, Children ages 5 - 11, Children ages 12 - 18, Seniors, Junior Kindergarten, Senior Kindergarten, Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4, Grade 5, Grade 6, Grade 7, Grade 8, Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12

Language Proficiency

English, French

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