Our Events

MASC presents a variety of annual multi-disciplinary arts festivals which feature artists from our roster, as well as bring in additional professional artists from across the country. Come celebrate with us!

Awesome Arts

Awesome Arts en folie is a bilingual arts program for the whole community! The 19th edition is happening this spring in Sandy Hill and Lowertown in partnership with the Sandy Hill Community Health Centre and the Lowertown Community Resource Centre. Mark your calendars: Festival is May 31, 2024!

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MASC Arts Awards

MASC Arts Awards is a celebration of students in Grades 6 to 8 who are passionate, creative and would benefit from support to explore his or her artistic development outside the school setting. The 24th annual MASC Arts Awards will take place at Canada's National Arts Centre on May, 2024 at 7pm.

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MASC Young Authors & Illustrators Festival

The 33rd edition of the MASC Young Authors and Illustrators Festival was held on February 27 2024! 142 students in grades four to eight attended a series of literary activities including artist presentations and hands-on master classes. The festival was sold out and the participants left inspired!

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The Jan Andrews Literary Award

This award was created to honour MASC’s co-founder Jan Andrews. We invite students in grades 9 to 12 to submit a piece of creative writing to be consider for this award.

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Your Story: MASC Teen Authors & Illustrators Festival

A day of writing and illustrating workshops, panel discussions and artist readings for students in Grades 8 - 12/Sec II - V. Students with a deep interest in writing and illustration are invited to attend this day of workshops with a stellar line-up of artists from across the country.

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