Harriet is My Hero

In-Person, Online
Number of participants
Black Legacy, North American History
Children ages 5 - 11, Junior Kindergarten, Senior Kindergarten, Grade 1, Grade 2
About this program
Stories of the life of Harriet Tubman are revealed while examining the characteristics that make her a good hero. participants actively participate in re-creating some of the aspects of the story and dolls are used to illustrate the various ages of Harriet Tubman.
Curriculum Links
Dramatic interpretation of history; contributions of visible minorities; explain and demonstrate the use of different patterns in creating effects; recognize appropriate themes; evaluate the quality of a drama performance.
In-person only. Available from March 31st to April 4th, 2025, in the Ottawa and Gatineau regions.
Two 40-minute performances (Includes Q&A): $925 + HST*
Combine with 1 performance of The Spirit of Harriet Tubman or Things My Fore-Sisters Saw: 2 performances: $1,275 + HST*
*Pricing for Eastern Ontario and Western Quebec. For other regions, please contact MASC for pricing.
Published fees are for schools; fees for other settings are subject to change.
Venues over 25km from Ottawa centre will be charged a travel fee for artist's transportation costs.
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