La cadence du conteur – The storyteller’s rhythm
French, French Immersion
In-Person, Online
Number of participants
French-Canadian Culture
Children ages 5 - 11, Children ages 12 - 18, Grade 4, Grade 5, Grade 6, Grade 7, Grade 8, Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 12
About this program
Stéphane Guertin livre une performance entre le conte et la musique, du slam à la tradition; histoires de loup, légendes urbaines, contes de fous et poésie humaine. Seul sur scène, il adapte à sa façon des histoires d’ici en créant ses propres rythmes à partir d’objets quotidiens et grâce à son vélo muni d’éléments sonores surprenants.
Stéphane Guertin delivers a performance between storytelling and music, from slam to tradition; wolf stories, urban legends, crazy tales and human poetry. Alone on stage, he adapts local stories in his own way, creating his own rhythms from everyday objects and using his bicycle equipped with surprising sound elements.
Curriculum Links
Les différentes communications devant un public : conte, improvisation, débat; développer sa présence sur scène; déployer sa parole et son corps; prendre plaisir au jeu et être en relation avec l’auditeur; intérêt particulier pour le théâtre, la scène, les arts oratoires ou l’écriture. --- Various forms of communication in front of an audience: storytelling, improvisation, debate; developing stage presence; deploying one's speech and body; enjoying the game and relating to the listener; special interest in theater, stage, public speaking or writing.
Online: Video on demand
One show (48 mins) including virtual meeting with the artist (12 mins) $440 + taxes
Each additional meeting: $60 + tax
Maximum: 500 participants for the virtual show, 60 participants for the meeting with the artist
In person
One show: 1h $630 + tax
Two shows: same school, same day $1080 + tax
Published rates are for schools; rates for other establishments are subject to change.