Yamo! Yamo!

English, French, French Immersion
Dance, Music
In-Person, Online
Number of participants
African Culture, Black Legacy
All ages, Children ages 5 - 11, Children ages 12 - 18, Seniors, Junior Kindergarten, Senior Kindergarten, Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4, Grade 5, Grade 6, Grade 7, Grade 8, Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
About this program
Yamo! Yamo! means” Hello! How are you?” in Baoulé, one of the 63 languages spoken in Côte d’Ivoire. Fana Soro, master musician and hereditary dancer of the Senoufo people, shares the ancestral arts of West Africa. The music features the balafon, a traditional West African xylophone, the djembe, the most popular African hand drum, as well as various other traditional instruments.
Curriculum Links
African culture, dance, geography, language, movement, music, rhythm, storytelling, teamwork and community building.
In person
One 1-hour performance (incl Q&A) $775+ HST
Two performances: same school, same day $1,175 + HST
$3 for each additional participant, up to 350 participants
Online: Video on Demand
One performance: 1h including online meeting with the artist $375 + HST
Each additional meeting $60 + HST
Maximum: 500 participants for the video, 60 participants for the meeting
Published fees are for schools; fees for other settings are subject to change.
Venues over 25 km from Ottawa centre will be charged a travel fee for artist’s transportation costs.
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